Monday, 21 December 2015

Heavy News

        Dear Fantasyans

   We have very unwelcomed news. Unfortunately, the project must be held over.

   We really do not flourish recently. We solve one problem and two more arise. It is just like the mythical hydra – another two new heads got grown after one head had been cut off. We have lost translator of historical texts, the vacuum pump fatally broke down, some other technologies have not seemed so good as we had expected and even our financial assets do not allow us to drive it off.

   We tried until the last minute does our best, solve everything. It is impossible without huge compromises that would expose into the quality of our work and our models at this moment. That’s exactly what we don’t want to. Well finally some serious personal problems came out.

   That’s why we have decided to hold it over – not to cancel it. Well… it is really impossible to continue for now.

   At the present time there are some interesting projects that we have been offered as contracts and commissions. It could help us to solve personal and existential troubles and also get some funds needed for continuing the project.

   We are not able to guarantee the time of our return for now. The project will be postponed at least for several months. It is more probable we return during the summer or at the end of it. Well, we really cannot promise anything and that’s why we won’t. No more promises.

   Well, there is something have to recall. The winners of our vignette ‚In the Storm of Fratricidal War‘ won’t miss out on it. The vignette will be made at any costs. Even if the project would be canceled for good. I repeat: there is still a real chance to restore the project. Producing of the vignette and its dispatching comes up to the Arkhareon eshop schedule.

   Does it mean we will not meet here in the coming months? Not so exactly. We will try to provide you general information about the Club Arkhareon Warlords at least and also about some other aspects of the project. If possible, we will bring you historical texts and supplementary concepts primarily about various Illada races. We will also tell you about interesting projects thanks to which we should be to return to the realms of Kenakarra rose. Expect just about 2-3 posts per month. We will do our best ensure needed means for this project.

   We wish you merry upcoming Christmas and also happy New Year 2016. 

   We would be very grateful if to this project and remain loyal. This project is very important for us and we still believe its great potential and its grand possibilities. Life reality, however, is hard ... As soon as possible we will return and we will renew our world for you and for us.

    Thank you for your support.

                     Daniela & the A-team


  1. Little to say other than I wish you well and look to the eshop opening soon.

  2. Really sad news indeed. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. I wish you a very good 2016 where we could see the return of this interesting project.

    1. Thanks guys:). We appreciate your support and thank you so much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :). Daniela
