Sunday 16 August 2015

Drive Up Indiegogo Pre-Campaign - Silhouette and Historical Background of New Freebie or Add-on Figure - Astarnain -The Great Ortiniastor

Astarnain – the Great Ortiniastor

Great Ortiniastor (the great army law interpreter, field judge and executioner)

   Astarain was the second most powerful man in the Dark Kworgs empire. He was in his function of the top Ortiniastor almost 2000 years. Amthirneall, his predecessor, died in the battle of Wartinhein. The Dark Kworgs fought in this battle with the aliance of Argerian Kworgs and  the Alhratt kingdom.

   Astarnain was a really powerful man. The Ortiniastor function was ment only for the army activities, but the Dark Kworgs took a part in many wars for a long long time, so they needed this man very much and he was given by a great power and respect. Even Graetsnal, the ruler of the Dark Kworgs, was scared of the great power of this Ortiniastor. The Ortiniastor was the great commander of his own army, called the Guard of the Death Shadows. Formally, this guard was under the command of Lord Graetsnal, but the soldiers respected only Astarnain as their commander. Their loyalty was wonderful and crossed the borders of the death shadows. The death shadows – empire of afterlife, that the Kworgs believed. These soldiers were his own praetorians. But although Astarnain was very cruel and unscrupulous, he was unreservedly loyal to Lord Graetsnal. His loyalty was incontestable.

   There were many life changes in our story during next years of the Great war for the Black Rose, but you will hear about them later. The Great Ortiniastor was honored many times during the battle of Irrnon-Sol Terrat – f. eg. he and his Guard fataly disrupted the military deposits of great Argerrian general Faertenien in the ancien ruins. Without his horse, he got the general ´s banner and he weakened his section so much, that the Bharngstarm light cavalry and the heavy man-at-arms unites defeated Faertenien men very easily. During this Beasts of Bharngstarm attack died the general of Argerra too. Our vignette with the battle of Irrnon-Sol Terrat theme, shows the last moments of his life.

   Our new figurine shows Astarnain at the moment when he lifts the trophy – standart of Argerra – high above his head.


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